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Enloe MBSA Freshmen Puppet Shows

Each grade level in MBSA has a different grade level project. The long-standing freshman year project is the medical career puppet show. Each year, MBSA freshmen help plan a script and go to different elementary schools to perform these puppet shows. Each freshman only has to go to one of the six locations. They first learn about the puppets and the basic idea of how to plan it during their Biomedical Technology class, and then they split up into groups, based on the locations each are assigned, and plan out the script and practice. The plot of the script is one of the puppets injures himself, and has to go to the hospital, accompanied by his sister. He and his sister meet all different kinds of health professionals. the bulk of the plot is the health professionals explaining their careers. The freshmen practice during the months leading up to their respective performances. The actual trip includes going around to the different kindergarten rooms at the elementary school you are assigned to. In each class, after the puppet show, the MBSA students go around to the kindergarteners and introduce them to the characters of the play, and have conversations with them about the different health careers.


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